Thursday, August 12, 2010


"这件衬衫很便宜!@#$%^&?" Kata seorang pekedai Cina di Jusco Bukit Tinggi kepadaku. Argh..Not again...I'm not Chinese, though I can speak a little but honestly I don't understand sepatah haram apa yang lelaki itu cuba sampaikan.

"对不起, 華語" Aku menjawab

Lelaki bernama Alex itu kebingungan. Aik? kata xpandai cakap Mandarin, tapi kenapa tau pulak balas dalam Mandarin.

"马来人" Aku menjawab lagi. Barulah dia tahu aku ni orang Melayu dan tidak tahu bertutur dalam Bahasa Mandarin. Terpancar blusher di pipinya walaupun dia tidak mengenakan blusher.

I'm tired already. Everywhere I go especially in KL area, people will taught that I'm a Chinese, maybe because I have a beautiful fair skin (Alhamdulillah) and mata yang sepet, no one will care if I eat at McDonald's during lunch this month...Hohoho

I think it's great if I can speak Mandarin fluently. For those who can speaks Mandarin, you can listen how I speak in Mandarin in this video and comment on how far that I can learn, with this "already-hard-tongue". T_T

Do I have any chance to become one of a Malay man who can speak Mandarin fluently like Baki Zainal? Huhuhu I hope so. (Anyone can give me free Mandarin Lessons? I would go for that.,but make sure it's for free. Hahaha)

P/s: Fuh..It took me an hour to get the Chinese font. I don't know whether they are correct or not.

" Hey, do I look like a Chinese to you? 马来人 la...Huhuhu"

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